A PHP Error was encountered
Severity: 8192
Message: strpos(): Non-string needles will be interpreted as strings in the future. Use an explicit chr() call to preserve the current behavior
Filename: database/DB_driver.php
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A PHP Error was encountered
Severity: 8192
Message: strpos(): Non-string needles will be interpreted as strings in the future. Use an explicit chr() call to preserve the current behavior
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A PHP Error was encountered
Severity: 8192
Message: strpos(): Non-string needles will be interpreted as strings in the future. Use an explicit chr() call to preserve the current behavior
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A PHP Error was encountered
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Message: strpos(): Non-string needles will be interpreted as strings in the future. Use an explicit chr() call to preserve the current behavior
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Message: strpos(): Non-string needles will be interpreted as strings in the future. Use an explicit chr() call to preserve the current behavior
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A PHP Error was encountered
Severity: 8192
Message: strpos(): Non-string needles will be interpreted as strings in the future. Use an explicit chr() call to preserve the current behavior
Filename: database/DB_driver.php
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A PHP Error was encountered
Severity: 8192
Message: strpos(): Non-string needles will be interpreted as strings in the future. Use an explicit chr() call to preserve the current behavior
Filename: database/DB_driver.php
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A PHP Error was encountered
Severity: 8192
Message: strpos(): Non-string needles will be interpreted as strings in the future. Use an explicit chr() call to preserve the current behavior
Filename: database/DB_driver.php
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A PHP Error was encountered
Severity: 8192
Message: strpos(): Non-string needles will be interpreted as strings in the future. Use an explicit chr() call to preserve the current behavior
Filename: database/DB_driver.php
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A PHP Error was encountered
Severity: 8192
Message: strpos(): Non-string needles will be interpreted as strings in the future. Use an explicit chr() call to preserve the current behavior
Filename: database/DB_driver.php
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A PHP Error was encountered
Severity: 8192
Message: Function create_function() is deprecated
Filename: geshi/geshi.php
Line Number: 4751
A PHP Error was encountered
Severity: 8192
Message: strpos(): Non-string needles will be interpreted as strings in the future. Use an explicit chr() call to preserve the current behavior
Filename: database/DB_driver.php
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A PHP Error was encountered
Severity: 8192
Message: strpos(): Non-string needles will be interpreted as strings in the future. Use an explicit chr() call to preserve the current behavior
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A PHP Error was encountered
Severity: Warning
Message: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/Jenja/www/mcpaste.de/www/system/core/Exceptions.php:272)
Filename: view/raw.php
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#include "../h/pmc.h"
#include "../h/tc.h"
#include "../h/pio.h"
#include "../h/aic.h"
#include "./config.cfg"
// fuer die Initialisierung der Zaehler
void init_Timer3(void);
int MessungderMasse(void);
void init_Waage(void);
void init_keys(void);
void init_leds(void);
void itos(int, char *);
void taste_irq_handler (void) __attribute__ ((interrupt));
volatile int key;
int main(void)
/* ################ Structs definieren ##################### */
StructPMC* pmcbase = PMC_BASE; // Basisadresse des PMC
StructPIO* piobaseA = PIOA_BASE; // Basisadresse PIO A
StructPIO* piobaseB = PIOB_BASE; // Basisadresse PIO B
StructAIC* aicbase = AIC_BASE;
pmcbase->PMC_PCER = 0x6200; // Peripheral Clocks einschalten für PIOB, PIOA, Timer3
/* ################ Ende Structs ########################### */
/* ################### initalisierung ###################### */
init_Timer3(); // init Pumpe
/*########### Interrupt Service Routine ausführbar machen ################*/
aicbase->AIC_IDCR = 1 << 14;
aicbase->AIC_ICCR = 1 << 14;
aicbase->AIC_SVR[PIOB_ID] = (unsigned int)taste_irq_handler;
aicbase->AIC_SMR[PIOB_ID] = 0x7;
aicbase->AIC_IECR = 1 << 14;
piobaseB->PIO_IER = KEY1 | KEY2;
/* ################## ende initalisierung ################## */
key = 0;
/* ################## Aufgabe 3 ################## */
int MasseBecher;
int Masse;
Masse = 0;
MasseBecher = 0;
aicbase->AIC_IECR = 1 << 14; // Interrupt einschalten
pmcbase->PMC_SCDR = 1; // Prozessor ausgeschaltet zum Stomsparen
aicbase->AIC_IDCR = 1 << 14; // INterrupt ausschalten
MasseBecher = MessungderMasse();
if(MasseBecher > 1) // Wenn Becher dasteht, Gewicht ausgeben
char arr[11];
itos(MasseBecher, arr);
/* ################## Aufgabe 4 ################## */
aicbase->AIC_IECR = 1 << 14; // Interrupt einschalten
pmcbase->PMC_SCDR = 1; // Prozessor ausgeschaltet zum Stomsparen
aicbase->AIC_IDCR = 1 << 14; // Interrupt ausschalten
MasseBecher = MessungderMasse();
if(MasseBecher > 1) // Wenn der Becher noch dasteht
piobaseA->PIO_PDR = (1<PIO_PER = (1<PIO_PER = (1<PIO_PDSR & KEY1))
key = 1;
if(!(piobaseB->PIO_PDSR & KEY2))
key = 2;
aicbase->AIC_EOICR = piobaseB->PIO_ISR; //Ende der Interruptserviceroutine
void init_PIO(void)
StructPMC* pmcbase = PMC_BASE;
StructPIO* piobaseA = PIOA_BASE;
StructPIO* piobaseB = PIOB_BASE;
pmcbase->PMC_PCER = 0x6000; // PIOA, PIOB
piobaseA->PIO_PDR = 0x090; // p4 p7
void init_leds(void)
StructPMC* pmcbase = PMC_BASE;
// Basisadresse des PMC
StructPIO* piobaseB = PIOB_BASE;
// Basisadresse PIO B
piobaseB->PIO_PER = ALL_LEDS;
piobaseB->PIO_OER = ALL_LEDS;
void init_keys(void)
StructPMC* pmcbase = PMC_BASE;
// Basisadresse des PMC
StructPIO* piobaseB = PIOB_BASE;
// Basisadresse PIO B
pmcbase->PMC_PCER = 0x4000; // Peripheral Clocks aktiv für PIOB
piobaseB->PIO_PER = KEY1 | KEY2; // Key1 und 2 einschalten.
void init_Waage(void)
StructPMC* pmcbase = PMC_BASE;
StructTC* tcbase4 = TCB4_BASE;
StructTC* tcbase5 = TCB5_BASE;
StructPIO* piobaseA = PIOA_BASE; // Basisadresse PIO A
piobaseA->PIO_PDR = 0x090; // p4 p7
pmcbase->PMC_PCER = 0x00f00; // Clock Timer5, Timer4 einschalten
// Timer4:
tcbase4->TC_CCR = TC_CLKDIS; // CCR= CounterControlRegister; TC_CLKDIS=0x2
tcbase4->TC_CMR = TC_INIT; // Timer Counter Mode Register
tcbase4->TC_CCR = TC_CLKEN; // 0x1
tcbase4->TC_CCR = TC_SWTRG; // 0x4
// Timer5:
tcbase5->TC_CCR = TC_CLKDIS; // CCR= CounterControlRegister; TC_CLKDIS=0x2
tcbase5->TC_CMR = TC_INIT; // Timer Counter Mode Register
tcbase5->TC_CCR = TC_CLKEN; // 0x1
tcbase5->TC_CCR = TC_SWTRG; // 0x4
void init_Timer3( void ) // Pumpe
StructTC* timerbase3 = TCB3_BASE; // Basisadressse TC Block 1
StructPIO* piobaseA = PIOA_BASE; // Basisadresse PIO A
StructPMC* pmcbase = PMC_BASE; // Basisadresse des PMC
pmcbase->PMC_PCER = 0x200; // Peripheral Clocks einschalten für Timer3
timerbase3->TC_CCR = TC_CLKDIS; // Disable Clock
// Initialize the mode of the timer 3
timerbase3->TC_CMR =
TC_WAVE | //WAVE : Waveform mode
TC_CPCTRG | //CPCTRG : Register C compare trigger enable
// Initialize the counter:
timerbase3->TC_RA = 31250; //50% High
timerbase3->TC_RC = 62500; //
// Start the timer :
timerbase3->TC_CCR = TC_CLKEN ; // Timer Enable
timerbase3->TC_CCR = TC_SWTRG ; // Softwaretrigger
piobaseA->PIO_PER = (1<PIO_OER = (1<PIO_CODR = (1< kein anderes signal liegt an
int MessungderMasse(void){
StructPMC* pmcbase = PMC_BASE;
StructPIO* piobaseA = PIOA_BASE;
StructPIO* piobaseB = PIOB_BASE;
StructTC* tcbase4 = TCB4_BASE;
StructTC* tcbase5 = TCB5_BASE;
volatile int captureRA1;
volatile int captureRB1;
volatile int capturediff1;
volatile float Periodendauer1;
volatile int captureRA2;
volatile int captureRB2;
volatile int capturediff2;
volatile float Periodendauer2;
volatile int ave = 0;
// Periodendauer der Waagensignale messen
// Signal an TIOA4 ca. 16kHz entspricht ca. einer Periodendauer von 62,5us
// durch den Teiler von 32 ergeben sich ca. 2ms
// Zähler mit positiver Flanke starten
int i = 0;
tcbase4->TC_CCR = TC_SWTRG;
tcbase5->TC_CCR = TC_SWTRG;
while (!( tcbase4->TC_SR & 0x40)); // Capture Register B wurde geladen (RB Loading Status) Messung abgeschlossen
captureRA1 = tcbase4->TC_RA; // Speichert TC_RA (1. Gemesser wert) in Variable
captureRB1 = tcbase4->TC_RB;
while (!( tcbase5->TC_SR & 0x40)); // Capture Register B wurde geladen (Messung abgeschlossen
captureRA2 = tcbase5->TC_RA;
captureRB2 = tcbase5->TC_RB;
capturediff2 = captureRB2 - captureRA2;
Periodendauer2 = capturediff2; // Zeit in us
capturediff1 = captureRB1 - captureRA1;
Periodendauer1 = capturediff1; // Zeit in us
volatile int C1 = c1;
volatile int C2 = c2;
ave += (C1 * ((Periodendauer1/Periodendauer2)-1))-C2;
return (ave/4)+2;
void itos(int i, char * arr)
arr[1]= 0 ;
int count;
int tmpi;
tmpi = i;
count = 0;
char cache;
int negative;
negative = 0;
if(i < 0 ) // Ist die Zahl negativ?
negative = 1;
tmpi = tmpi * -1;
i = i * -1;
while(tmpi > 0) // wie viele Stellen hat unsere Zahl?
tmpi = tmpi / 10;
if(negative == 1) // Wenn sie negativ ist, eine Stelle mehr, an Stelle 0 kommt das -
//chr[0] = '-';
int tmpcount;
tmpcount = count + 1;
char chr[tmpcount]; // Array erstellen (+1 für 0 an die ende)
chr[count] = 0;
if(negative == 1) // Wenn sie negativ ist, eine Stelle mehr, an Stelle 0 kommt das -
chr[0] = '-';
int j;
j= count - 1;
for(j;j-negative>=0;j--) // Achtung Achtung bei negativen Zahlen hier eine Veränderung! oder so...
cache = i%10; // Das hinterste Zeichen isolieren
i = i/10; // Die Nächste Stelle nach ganz rechts
chr[j] = cache + '0'; // und an die letzte Stelle des Arrays schreiben
arr[j] = chr[j];
A PHP Error was encountered
Severity: 8192
Message: strpos(): Non-string needles will be interpreted as strings in the future. Use an explicit chr() call to preserve the current behavior
Filename: database/DB_driver.php
Line Number: 1876